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Wednesday, February 14, 2007 . 6:37 PM

I moved already.


posted by khimy | |

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 . 12:11 PM

I received some gifts from my online buds. 2 nga lang since noone remembers me na ata. haaay. hihi.. well anyways, thx to nika and mah tissaii kai for these:

posted by khimy | |

Sunday, December 24, 2006 . 4:01 PM

Weeeeee. Badshot ako sa tatay ko lolx. Why? 'Cause I came home late yesterday, I was supposed to be home by 1am, My mom allowed me to stay at libis with my boyfriend til 12am so that I can be home by 1am, but, I got home by 3am. hahaha. The reason that my dad got mad is because... I left our house 11 in the morning, then I got home by 3 in the morning. see? Bad khimy. Yea yea I know it's my fault but I have reason why I got home by 3. hmppff. It was because 2 of our friends got there by 12am, We were supposed to go home by 12am tlgah, But when me and mah boyfriend got out from blue onion, we saw them, our friends so yun! Btw, we're not legal with my dad, only to my mom.

So yea, we went to glorieta and you know, dated. Then we left there around 7:30pm and went straight to libis, ate our dinner there then went to blue onion that early, i think around 8:30 sumthin? Wala pang entrance hihi.. We drank there, I think I was able to drink 3 or 4 bottles there til 12. Then we transferred at the bedroom bar with our 2 friends, I drank 1 bottle of strong ice there. ayun. Well anyway, I'm so happy yesterday, 'cause I was able to be with him that long. Aiyiiiee i love that guy so much.

posted by khimy | |

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 . 7:42 PM

I've been sooooooooooo lazy at school today, yea, really. Halos lahat ata ng subject ko today, tinulugan ko. Except for T.L.E. because we did somethin', and same happened to Filipino. Yun lang atang 2 subjects di ko tinulugan, isama mo na yung last subject namen. hihi..=P

I have news about the guy I was talkin' about on my last entry. My cousin and him, I think they're 'together'. Yea, we had a gimick last saturday at timog, actually I DITCHED that time, 'cause my father didn't allow me to go gimick, well what can he do? What khimy wants, khimy gets. hahaha. We waited for my dad to sleep and then we dressed up na, left our home past 12am. And besides, I was with my brother anyways, and cousin, he didn't catch as naman so yea, it was fun!=] Anyways, when we were at the front of Padis, saw them holding each other hands while talkin to us. Aside from that, He always go here, at our home, visiting my cousin, or kung hindi man. magkikita sila. Tulad kanina, at my tambayan, my cousin went there, i was shocked, then I asked her what is she doing there, she told me she'll me meeting him. And yea so they just talked for a while there, while holding each other hands.=P Oh well I'm happy for them, though sometimes I get jealous. hahaha.=P

posted by khimy | |

Thursday, November 02, 2006 . 10:32 PM

We had a drinking session again today. Yea, 2 long neck grandma. As usual, I threw up again. hahaha, what's new with that? I always throw up when we have a drinking session, as a matter of fact, it's really my requirement when i drink, THROW UP, to lessen the influence of alcohol to me. lols.But I'm alright now, yea. My 'amats' disappeared when we ate. hihi.

Hmm, I dunno what's with me right now, I can't understand what I feel. Yea, really. There's this guy who likes or should I say have fallen for me already. So yea, He kinda made some move, but, I rejected him, told him I don't want to have a commitment with him 'cause I'm afraid that I might hurt him and it will be better if we will just be friends. It was fine for him, so yea, we're all good. Still good friends. But there's somethin' that i think and I can feel that have changed. I know there's this new girl he likes - he told me that, good for him. And I think that girl is my cousin. I think I'm jealous, but I'm not so sure, with his new textmate that he said I know, and with my cousin. But oh well, it's all good for me, good luck for him.

posted by khimy | |

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 . 1:16 AM

Wooot! Khimy's bloggin'! yep, that's right!=D what's been up with me? Well I'm bankrupt. Because of making lakwacha this vacation.. Got only 80 bucks on my wallet. How can I go gala with that money?! The hell. Classes, classes, can't wait for your comeback!=P

I haven't done all of our assignments/projects yet. Our thesis, well it's almost done, it's just that fucken bibliography that's not yet done. Demet, We're not planning to do it anymore. Why? Because we don't know how to make a fucken bibliography! And guess what, Our term paper is so kontteee... It's less than 15 pages men! hahaha... What can we do? hmmpf, it's not that easy to make one noh. And we're only 3 on our group. We didn't ask the other one to help. Yea, 'cause we know he can't help. We just asked him to pay us. Well, Actually I did all the work. Haaai buhay. Who the hell invented that fucken thesis. deym!

We had a drinking session last night, at malate, after eating and watching movie at sm mla. I was with my brother, cousin and a friend. We drank colt ice and I got drunk. hahaha. I threw up twice.. As far as I remember, I only drank 3 bottles. Gaah I'm really weak, kulang sa ensayo. haha. Is it me or it's the beer that's really strong? hmm. Oh well, then it was past 12 when we went home. And I went straight to bed. It feels good to sleep when your drunk. wooot!

My blog is fuckin dead. I don't think people still visit my site. Oh well, i'll still blog. no one can stop me. hahahah!

posted by khimy | |

Friday, October 06, 2006 . 9:59 PM

I met a girl who's pretty and sexy, ohmygah.. she's so lambing pa, feels like i'm going to be a bi-sexual na talaga.. I've already seen her around there - in our tambayan, but it's just yesterday that we were formally introduced to each other so yea.. she's really nice and pretty, and i like her, if given a chance i would be her girlfriend, or vice-versa =P, that's all i can say. aiyiee.. *blushes*

posted by khimy | |